Prolonged exposure to heat and humidity is suspected to be a contributing factor to the failures, but Takata said it was still trying to pinpoint the exact cause or causes. 长时间暴露在高温度和高湿度中被认为是导致故障的一个因素,但高田公司称仍在试图查明确切的原因。
All these changes mean 'you have a prolonged exposure to alcohol and possibly a little bit bigger buzz,' when you drink, Dr. Murray says. 穆雷博士说,所有这些变化都意味着,在你喝酒的时候消耗酒精的时间会延长,可能酒劲儿也会更大一点。
But the body of scientific research on the health impact is slim because there is little historical precedent for prolonged exposure to such high levels of air pollution. 但是,有关健康影响的科研文献迄今较少,因为历史上很少有这样持续暴露于高度空气污染的先例。
Proper winter attire protects your body from prolonged exposure to the cold. 合适的冬季服装可以保护皮肤,避免长时间暴露在寒冷的空气中。
Repeated or prolonged exposure to heated and agitated water can degrade the cylinder's external surface and can eventually compromise the cylinder's mechanical integrity. 因为重复或长时间暴露在热水或沸水中会使钢瓶外表面退化,最终危及钢瓶的机械完整性。
In1987, the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure ( 1). 1987年,美国环境保护署(EPA)曝光(分类甲醛作为或长时间高的条件下人类可能致癌的物质的异常1)。
Thermal Stability The property of a lubricant which indicates its ability to resist cracking and decomposition on prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures. 热稳定性表明润滑油在长期高温环境中抵抗裂化和分解能力的指标。
Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. 避免长时间受到太阳直接照射。
Injury or destruction of skin and underlying tissue, most often that of the nose, ears, fingers, or toes, resulting from prolonged exposure to freezing or subfreezing temperatures. 霜害由于长期暴露在结冰或近冰点温度下造成皮肤或皮下组织的伤害或损伤,主要在鼻、眼、手指或脚趾处。
Those same cytokines were also significantly elevated in the lungs of mice that had experienced prolonged exposure to polluted air, and the lack of TLR4 activation lowered this effect. 那些相同的细胞因子在延长污染性空气曝露小鼠的肺部明显提高,而TRL4活化缺陷的小鼠这种效应较低。
Unconsciousness occurs more rapidly above 10% level. Prolonged exposure to high concentrations may eventually result in death from asphyxiation. 意识不清在10%水平上发生得更加迅速。持续暴露于高浓度会最终导致由于窒息而死亡。
We know that prolonged exposure to vibration can weaken aircraft components. 我们知道过长时间处于振动的影响下会降低飞机部件强度。
High level of cadmium can hinder brain development in young children and may even cause cancer after prolonged exposure. 镉含量过高会对幼童脑部发展造成危害,长期接触甚至会引发癌症。
Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure. 长期接触有严重损害健康的危险;
But we think it may have been caused by prolonged exposure to benzene. 可是我想可能和你长期与苯接触有关。
People at particular risk for the flu should therefore avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun. 因此,那些特别易受流感影响的人应避免长时间曝露在太阳底下。
Sunstroke, or heatstroke, is an illness caused by prolonged exposure to very hot temperatures. 中暑是一种因长时间暴露于高温下而产生的症状。
There are studies that show prolonged exposure to this energy weakens and drains the immune system. 有研究表明,长期接触这种能量的免疫系统衰弱和水渠。
What will prolonged exposure to fluorescent light do to beer? 啤酒长时间的暴露在荧光灯下会有什么影响吗?
That they've had repeated and prolonged exposure to. 他们重复的常时间的暴露在那些东西前。
All confirmed cases in the cluster can be directly linked to close and prolonged exposure to a patient during a phase of severe illness. 该群集中的所有确诊病例可直接与长期密切接触处于疾病严重阶段的患者相联系。
If you must go out, avoid prolonged exposure to wintry winds. 如必须外出,应避免长时间置身在寒风中。
Lightfast ink: Ink that will fade less than normal ink on prolonged exposure to strong light. 耐光油墨:在强光照射下,颜色较普通油墨耐久,变淡的程度较低的油墨。
Reapply as needed, every two hours or after prolonged exposure to water. 要是必要能够再次涂抹,每两个小时大概长时间在水中。
However, recent studies in animals have shown that prolonged exposure to an elevated level of oxygen, or hyperoxia, can cause long-term lung injury that resembles ARDS. 然而,最近的动物实验显示,长时间暴露在氧含量较高(氧过多)的环境可导致类似ARDS的肺长期损伤。
After a prolonged exposure to blue light, the authors found that the number of flavins did in fact decrease, as they do in plants. 作者发现,经过长期照射蓝光他们体内的黄素类物质的数量确实减少了,就像在植物体内的变化一样。
Caused by initial blast ( damage), prolonged exposure to fire. 由初始爆破(损坏)引起,长时间曝光引起火灾。
Prolonged exposure to stress can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. 长期处于压力状态会导致血压升高、免疫力下降,增加心脏病和中风风险,导致不孕不育,加速衰老过程。
Prolonged exposure to these factors causes imbalances in the body's natural fluctuation of cortisol throughout the day, which is known to cause an increased vulnerability to disease and mortality in subjects. 长期受这些因素的影响会导致身体皮质醇自然波动的不平衡,而皮质醇波动不平衡已知会导致研究对象患病率和死亡率增加。